Monday, June 11, 2007

Mountain Bike Blogging

This is my first post on Average Guy's blog. Being the average guy means that day job and life pressures don't always allow for plenty postings. That is where bUnDi comes in, the secret force behind average guy, propelling him to fame and fortune. That is mostly off the bike, on the bike it is a different story. I will share some of my experiences on and off the bike and bring you some bits and pieces from my wanderings on the Internet.

Anyway I have just updated with a new page featuring some of (read only) South African biking blogs. There are some really interesting folks out there sharing their riding and biking experiences. Some ride more than others but they never the less have a passion for cycling and specifically mountain biking.

From keen mountain biker Japie to bike shop owner Steve to bike industry main man Brandon Els of Raleigh. Take a peek into their worlds and see what they are on about.

Find the links at

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