Thursday, April 29, 2010

The 29er vs 26" debate

The debate of the 29er is well on its way, you will see some pros riding them but then they have to? Question is will the average guy take the bait and go for it.

The average guy was challenged with this

To all the 29" slayers out there: Compare the components (frame, wheels, forks) of a 26" hardtail, 26", 140mm travel trail bike and a 29" hardtail/FS, then you'll see that indeed all 3 of them need different tires, rims, forks and frames. Thus I classify a 29" bike as just a nother category of MTB. And as such, it will be suited to specific terrain, rider sizes and rider styles. So just as I prefer a 140mm travel trail bike over a 100mm bike, someone else might prefer a 29" bike.

I would still like to see a shootout/comparison between a 29" hardtail and 26", 100mm travel FS bike on a XC & Marathon course....

He replied with this;

MBAction did a shoot out between 3 hardtails. 26, 29 and 650b. The main conclusion was that each bike was good for different things. Basically the shootout was a draw.

We need to settle this the FB way!

Let’s ask an ex-SA champ to ride 2 bikes for us on a 5km course at Groenkloof that includes rock gardens, smooth dirt and a steep climb. Let’s take his time on the different bikes and interview him afterwards on how he felt.

The beauty of this plan is that while he is tackling the course, we can set up our lawn chairs and drink beer.

Matt will have to donate the 29er hardtail. Fritz can ride his Ellsworth as the other bike.

Then we can also blindfold him and send him out on the course and see if he can tell us which particular bike he is crashing into a tree. This will obviously be much later in the afternoon when the affects of the amber brew is at its best.

If Mr. P is faster on a 29er Hardtail I will sell my Zula and use the money to buy baggies and grow my leg hairs into beautiful matted fur.

bUndi responded with this;

This is indeed a good plan, but being a bike riding scientist I can confirm that it is fundamentally flawed and is in fact more about entertainment rather than an actual test.

The FBCC has a long and rich heritage and this allows a certain amount of wisdom

This debate is not new, its just dressed differently and our memories are fading

Rigid fork vs suspension fork was the first debate

Hardtail vs full suss was the second one – only recently concluded I might add

Suspension won the first two debates not because it was new but because it was sound technology that works.

The 29er is not new technology nor is it suspension, its just plain new-pooh

If big wheels ruled then we’d all be riding

Pennyfarthings and cars with 100 inch rims and srns (solid rigid no suspension)

Lets also compare apples and pears to see which one tastes better

But let me leave you with this last thought – If you need the 3 inches extra then by all means go for it!

And lastly little Chris had this to say;

Sadly you are missing the point. This debate is based more in the philosophical world. Don't think science, think Top Gear's Cool Wall. Seeing as no member of the FBCC (By constitution I am sure) should ever be a contender for podium spots in a race, the crux of this argument is rather to determine which is cooler to ride, without being hindered by totally useless equipment (If only to reach the post-race beer quicker). And don't let any of the FBCC's other constituents' attempt at clever science talk fool you!

Oh yes, and it is an opportunity to drink beer. Duuhhh!!!

So we anxiously await the results of this “test” and in the meantime the debate rages on!

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