Wednesday, August 01, 2012

How can I get into riding if I don’t want to join a club?

Today with the internet, online groups, twitter and facebook there are many other virtual ways to get in touch with people to ride with.


The first is to get out to some events or races. Just because they are called races does not mean that you have to be a racer, you can participate in a variety of distances and ride at your own pace. Most of these events are more like gatherings and group rides and you will find it easy to fit in. You can also ask at your local bike shop as many of them also organise rides and have ride groups


The other way is to find some ride groups or "clubs" on the facebook where you can interact get info and meet up for some rides. Email or online groups are also easy to join and find out information on where to ride and join in with some group. The most active groups for this is thehubsa, or checkout our facebook page.


Share your tips and experiences at our blog or leaving a comment on MTBOnline Facebook

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